The Design Sprint


14h30 → 17h00


9h00 → 18h00

IHECS Bâtiment Chambon Rue des boiteux, 9 Classroom 301 & 304

What is it?

Expert facilitators will conduct specific training and workshops for 40 international and Belgian schoolgirls who will design and shapes tangible projects contributing to the participation, physical activity and leadership of young women in their local communities and schools.

The “Design Sprint ‘’ is an educational program that aims to train selected participants – supported by their mentor – to become leaders in school sport by designing and creating multidimensional projects linking sport, culture, education, and innovation. They will particularly develop project management skills in the field of sport, to learn how to mobilize other young athletes in their local communities. The mentor will play a key role in the training by interacting with the participants, sharing his or her experiences, and committing to support the participants’ ideas to be turned into real projects at the local level after the training.

1,5 days Training programme


Presentation of the exercise and the expectations of SheRuns 2022 to participants
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Team building

How to get young participants from multiple countries to get to know each other quickly and work effectively together.
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Mentor Exercise

Determination of the means, places and support persons that will be made available to the national teams once they return home.
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Young Leaders’ Exercise

Working group on two key questions: What do we want to bring to the girls in our communities through sports activities? What are the most important reasons.
What are the most important reasons why the girls we know and love are not involved in sport today?
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Mission of the team

Choice of challenges that the team will seek to address through the organization of a local event in their community.
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Inspiration for Teams

Presentation of a variety of unusual and offbeat sports events to promote sporting activities.
January 01, 2021
12 AM


Definition of the type of event that will be organized by the team on its return to the
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Definition of Experience

Deepening of the imagined concept, narration and formalization of the detailed user experience of the event.
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Detailed planning

Identification of all necessary preparation steps. Identification of responsible persons and resources for each step. Detailed action plan to best organize and execute the planned event.
January 01, 2021
12 AM

Preparation for the oral presentation

Presentation of the team’s work in the form of slides and coaching of the teams in public speaking.
January 01, 2021
12 AM